
A. Long. Weekend.

I like lists. Here is one of what I managed to accomplish this weekend (despite Sunday being a day I barely left the couch due to activities the previous evening that left me feeling a little wobbly and rather sick). two nights out with friends - long overdue. viet food in the dark with a friend. hair cut (finally). fabric shopping. fruit and veg restocking. rotisserie chicken. sewed shirts that needed sewing. made jean shorts. drank 3L+ of water. washed Edward. had a nice chat with my dad. hunted down some 5/8" rope and made a knot door stop (which is by far the coolest thing EVER). laundry. found the coolest rubber boots and trench coat so I am ready for spring. bath soaks. listened to a lot of Ryan Adams and Taylor Swift. maybe they should date. clean sheet Monday (because Sunday was a write-off, remember?). cleaned the kitchen. colored some vases. watched six-too-many episodes of the Kardashians. I think that about covers it.

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