
A. Long. Weekend.

I like lists. Here is one of what I managed to accomplish this weekend (despite Sunday being a day I barely left the couch due to activities the previous evening that left me feeling a little wobbly and rather sick). two nights out with friends - long overdue. viet food in the dark with a friend. hair cut (finally). fabric shopping. fruit and veg restocking. rotisserie chicken. sewed shirts that needed sewing. made jean shorts. drank 3L+ of water. washed Edward. had a nice chat with my dad. hunted down some 5/8" rope and made a knot door stop (which is by far the coolest thing EVER). laundry. found the coolest rubber boots and trench coat so I am ready for spring. bath soaks. listened to a lot of Ryan Adams and Taylor Swift. maybe they should date. clean sheet Monday (because Sunday was a write-off, remember?). cleaned the kitchen. colored some vases. watched six-too-many episodes of the Kardashians. I think that about covers it.

Music Monday


Day Six: five people who mean a lot to you

(in no particular order):
my dad


Music Monday

Last week? Busy? Most certainly.


Day Five: Six things you wish you'd never done


i regret nothing.  i've thought long and hard about this one.
if i hadn't done something or met someone or chosen a certain path...
but i kept coming back to "well, actually, then i never would have..." done something else, met someone else or continued a journey.  it's so easy to regret __ in an instance but with a bit of thought, there is always some good that comes out of something that seems initially bad.

the best way to illustrate this is by giving you six amazing things that have happened to me since moving to Calgs four years ago.  the move meant giving up an opportunity in the nursing program at gprc - a choice that i find myself nearly regretting, especially recently given the whole i-have-a-degree-that-is-really-hard-to-utilize-damn-it state i find myself in.
-i met m.  and all the awesomeness that came with her.
-i gots myself a car. it's blue and is named after a fictional vampire character.  could life be more amazing?
-i attended my first nhl game.
-i discovered hidden talents - harmonica, knitting, yoga, fixer-of-all-that-can-break-in-an-apartment
-i have had the privilege of watching my nephew grow up given the close proximity to edmonton
-i learned the recipe to the best carrot soup. ever.  and the best waffles.  i bet my first cat on it.