
Christmas Reading List

Fact 1: Next semester is my last as an undergrad; I will be joining the ranks of Underemployed-Because-I-Have-A-Political-Science-Degree status.
Fact 2: This scares me to no end.
Fact 3: Going back to school to obtain numerous Master's Degrees entices me to no end.
Fact 4: To keep my mind somewhere in the realm of processing information over the holiday season break, I intend to read several books with all my free time. This will keep me primed for endless readings on China, non-proliferation and Latin America for the winter semester.
These are the ones I am thinking of tackling:
1. (finish) The Picture of Dorian Gray
2. Breaking Dawn
3. Guns Germs and Steel*

I am saving The Count of Monte Cristo for next semester, I have heard many good things and feel I need to give it lots of time, over time.

*This one is a dream. If I can finish this in such a short time, I deserve a kajillion amazing things because it is a killer to read, this will be attempt 3. It can sit on the shelf and make friends with Shake Hands With the Devil, for it too has been rejected several times. They are too good to read, that is my defense.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. I tried reading Guns Germs and Steel like 80 times to no avail. Good luck! I'm reading 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' right now and I can highly recommend it, as it has some entertaining one-sided conversations by Il Duce himself.
