i love the smell.
i love flipping through them.
i love what mysteries they contain.
There was a time when I was only interested in non-fiction books, however, this summer I began to rediscover the classics - Famous Last Words, The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Nineteen Eighty Four, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, The Picture of Dorian Gray. You get the idea.
So, imagine my delight when a friend tells me about the overstock sale the university library today. Yes, I was very excited. What treasures would be awaiting?
Enter the library. First book I see is "Skating"-something - a book dedicated to large photos of figure skaters, many jumping into the air doing splits. I contemplated buying it for my mom. She likes figure skating (the reason I think I was put into the sport for a few years). Clearly a treasure, but not for me.
So browse browse browse I did. Then, there it was... "BEAR"
Not only did the four-letter word attract me, but it did seem like a familiar title. The kind of title one has perhaps heard uttered from an elder's mouth, or some other wise bookworm-like influence on my life. I immediately recited the description to my friend, who also felt the book sounded familiar. We were proved not-crazy because a boy overheard us and said there was a mural at the uni based on this book. I was sold. Plus it sounds intriguing and it recieved the Governor's General award.
"He belonged to the place - lived behind the house, chained to his shed. She took him swimming, let him lie before the fire - grew to like him. They became lovers" This is about a lady and a bear. You would buy it too, admit it.
Here is the fantastic cover:

And it was 50 cents. Hells bells!
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