
The usual love/love-to-hate relationship

It is that time of year again, the time that I start realizing how much I procrastinate.  I really thought I was on top of things this semester, but this past reading week has proven me very wrong on that assumption.  The Week of Hell starts tomorrow: a 10 page position paper due tomorrow, a tough-ass midterm, a very detailed paper proposal, and another midterm awaits me this week.  I have been tempted far too many times this past week to go purchase a glass coffee table and re-enact last April's accident, in hopes of getting a medical note so I can get extensions on everything.  Yet that would seem to just pile things up more and more, so a 6 hour night/early am of paper editing and editing and editing awaits me.

Despite this pressure to punch out an amazing position on Argentina and the NPT in a quickly decreasing amount of time, I have found time to write this and share three things:
1. I made delicious biscuits at 10 a.m. while everyone slept off their hangovers - we had a full house and it felt like summer, so nice!  So I have decided that cooking is my therapy for almost anything in my life - late night, stress, boredom.
2. I frackin' love Bruce.  Still.  Forever.  How can anyone not just want to lay on the floor (or cook) and just listen???  Beautiful everything about his music.  This is my current song on repeat by him (mixed in with some Tik Tok and T Swift, of course), only on his Live 1975-85 album.  Bittersweet.

3. I own a coffee table from Value Village.  It was $10, has tacky brass edging that I love (obviously), and it came already named!!!  "My name is Jack" was Sharpie-enscribed on the bottom.  Naturally, we added to that today and Jack has new tattoos of a Rom-Nom Dinosaur that is about to devour an Awesome Kitchen Whore with Ho Heels, a mariposa, a picture of Paradise (with no food or Bruce though, that might need to change), and a poorly-depicted New Years Jack in the Box.


Kitty Goes to Vancouver (2010).

Here are pictures of my trip to Vancouver, a long overdue visit to see Andrea and her beau.

In Sum: I love Vancouver but I would miss the snow.  I pretended I was camping when the air mattress deflated mid-sleep one night, it was fun.  Red-walled condos scare me.  It is too warm in Van for outdoor skating rinks - sadness.  I did not meet my soulmate there, that is ok though because I discovered the magic of Glee.  It took up my life for two days after I returned home.  I have an obsessive personality to some significant degree.  Neat.

P.S. Thank you, Dad, for buying my ticket  <3


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